winery refrigeration
RTI2000: Super Stat communication software.
The RTI2000 software interfaces with any RTI Super Stat control new or old, profiding centralized control and monitoring.
RTI2000 allows recording and analyzing enviornmental conditions for your facility along with full control of any Super Stat around the world from any internet enabled device.
RTI2000 is easy to use and setup. Customers with limited computer interface knowledge can quickly and easily operate all functions from ONE SCREEN without getting lost in menus or tabs.
The software offers the following features
Temperature control / monitoring: Anywhere Temperature control or monitoring is needed.
Humidity control / monitoring: Anywhere Humidity control and monitoring is needed.
Tank temperature control / monitoring
Data logging with history graph and exportation of data to text or Excel formats to easily open and import into your winery management software.
Brix entry feature either at the Super Stat control or within RTI2000 software.
Pump Over control for tanks
ON & OFF process control (Based on RTC real time)
Barrel Room / Tank Room temp & humidity control / monitoring
Glycol temperature control and monitoring
Email & text message alerts: Temperature alarms, setpoint changes, control interactions, unit failures, network problems
RTI2000 offers you a single view point for all data needed including, Temp / Brix history graph, Pump Over Schedule, Control view, and Tank table view.
Access RTI2000 and your controls from anywhere using your smartphone
RTI2000 can be a plug and play operation with the RTI supplied Server Package which includes 23'' monitor (Touchscreen optional) Keyboard, mouse.
RTI2000 offers you a single view point for all data needed including, Temp / Brix history graph, Pump Over Schedule, Control view, and Tank table view.
Remote access and control from anywhere in the world.
RTI2000 was developed to give customers true 24/7 remote access, control and montioring of their facilities.
This easy to use program runs on a stand alone windows based machine which allows remote connectivity from any other device with internet access.
Connect and control your Stats with any of the following devices:
Android smartphones & tablets
Windows OS enabled devices and PCs
With the Control or panel view, the user can interact with the graphic version of the Super Stat as if they were standing right in front of the control. Button for button the Control view replicates every button touch and function just like the actual control.
With the Control or panel view, the user can interact with the graphic version of the Super Stat as if they were standing right in front of the control. Button for button the Control view replicates every button touch and function just like the actual control.
Control your Super Stat as if you were standing in front of it!
Add a TOUCHSCREEN for real life like function and interaction!!
RTI2000 allows you to easily control and operate your Super Stat control as if you were standing in front of it! This feature is unique to RTI2000 and cuts down on training curves associated with other difficult to use programs.
When you train your workers to use the Super Stat control, you are also training them on the software interface because it is replicated 100% by look and function of the real thing.
This special graphic control interface allows you to use the same buttons and settings you would on the physical control so that ANYONE can use the software with limited knowledge or computer training.
Power your Stats on or off, adjust and change heat or cool modes, adjust your setpoints, and change any setting by using the same buttons you would on the Super Stat.
Monitor and log temperature, humidity and Brix with the Graphing feature. Then export this data to excel or to a text format for easy viewing and importation.
Monitor and log temperature, humidity and Brix with the Graphing feature. Then export this data to excel or to a text format for easy viewing and importation.
Fermentation Graphs
RTI2000 offers the ability to data log temperature, humidity and Brix against date and time on an easy to use graph.
This allows you to view historical and current data then export that data to an excel or text file. You can export this data and back it up, then open it in your winery management software or spreadsheet.
This system allows you to log data in minute intervals. You can log a point of data every min, or hours depending on the amount of data you require.
RTI2000 allows for pump over and process control setup. Set up your pump overs to happen One time, weekly, daily.
RTI2000 allows for pump over and process control setup. Set up your pump overs to happen One time, weekly, daily.
Pump Over or ON & OFF process control.
RTI2000 allows you to easily control Pump Overs or on and off based process control based on real time.
Control Temperature, log Brix, and perform your Pump Overs with 1 Super Stat at each tank. (Super Stats must be wired, and configured for Pump Over operation)
Once the Super Stat is configured, connect with the software and setup Pump Over schedules which can be customized to your needs, then saved for easy importantion of these Events.
16 total events can be setup for each Super Stat.
These On and Off events are based on real time, and can be setup to automatically repeat Daily, Weekly, or One time operation Only.
Save these templates and setup all of your stats to your process needs.
This is a full network over view of every single Super Stat onsite. You can customize any of the stats and monitor and control Barrel Rooms, Tanks etc.
This is a full network over view of every single Super Stat onsite. You can customize any of the stats and monitor and control Barrel Rooms, Tanks etc.
Control overview (Table View)
RTI2000 allows you to easily veiw every single Super Stat control installed onsite.
View all of your tanks, barrel room temperature / humidity, Glycol temperatures along with all of the important information with a quick scan of your eyes.
This Table View makes analyzing all of your temp and humidity controls with a quick glance so that if something looks incorrect or an alarm goes off, you can easily and quickly correct the problem.
View which tanks are on, off, heat, cool, along with Setpoint, Process values and Pump over info.
Always know what every control is doing in one easy to view window.
With RTI2000
With RTI2000
Facility layout view
RTI2000 allows you to easily veiw your facility layout and your tank / control overview.
This feature requires a current site layout that can be converted to graphic representation of your winery or facility.
View your tanks or controls as they are positioned onsite.
Displays cooling and heating information along with Temperatures and Setpoints.